Monday, September 18, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

This morning began with a physical therapy appointment. It seems my inflamed tendons and swollen stiff ankle is nothing more than the by-product of a 1/4-inch blister on the bottom of my foot. At mile 10 I began to feel the blister coming on and apparently to cushion it, I nconsciously held back my foot drop, creating an unnatural strain to the major muscle group running from the toe up the leg. In an attempt to avoid a minor discomfort, a more significant problem developed. There's a metaphorical life lesson somewhere in there but I'm simply too superficial today to foray into deep thoughts so let's hold on to it for another day, another dollar.

Back to my foot. After an hour of massage, alternating hot and cold water plunges (swirling hot water good, ice water bad), topical cortisone treatment, and electrial circuits, my ankle remains swollen yet sufficiently pampered. The good news is that it will be fine in time for the marathon in less than two weeks. The better news is that on order of my physical therapist I'm to limit myself to shorter walks until that time. "Oh heck, no more long walks? Oh well, doctor knows best" said phatgirl beaming from ear to ear.

I think I'm a marathon-related hypochondriac. In the weeks prior to my first half-marathon this summer I went through a series of back to back health issues including a miserable cold with accompanying tuberular-sounding cough, a strained back that grounded me for nearly a week, and a particular brutal battle with the Evil Twins. In recent weeks it's been a strained acheilles tendon, a recurring bladder infection, ongoing back aches and now the inflammed tendon on the upper foot. I get so anxious in the weeks prior to the event that something will happen to keep me from participating that I might very well be psyching myself into the aches and pains. I shudder to think that phatgirl is a wooseypants worrier but admitting the problem is the first step so there you go. Admission made.

With less time spent walking there's more time for binge shopping at REI and the local runner store. My booty for the day includes Second Skin Blister Pads in varying sizes, double-layer running socks (can you really ever have too many?), Orange-flavored Shot Blocks, a water bottle with an ergonomically-correct hand strap, and sundry other items that I could well live without but that somehow made me feel more sporty simply by virtue of buying them. I'm broke but I'm sporty. Whatever works.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" I might very well be psyching myself into the aches and pains"

There might be a little bit of that going around in my world too.

Glad your feet will be back in shape and a kewl water bottle.