Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Just So You Know. . .

I haven't forsaken the whole notion of marathon walking. Be assured there are no future plans to rename my blog PhatgirlCalorieCounting or PhatgirlGymRat. The truth is that behind the scenes I've actually been wrapping my little pea brain around getting ready for my upcoming two half-marathons in April and July and my second stab at the Portland Marathon in October. This is what I've done to prepare:

  1. I've registered for all three events.
  2. I've booked hotel reservations for all three events.
  3. I've reserved a portable refrigerator (mother of all necessities) for all three hotels at all three events.

And then there's actually training for the events, she said while slapping her forehead in mock astonishment, and that's why last night I pulled out my worn torn but never forlorn copy of Marathoning for Mortals by the Most Penguin John Bingham and plotted out my training schedule for 2007. Let me just say two things. Two things for now. Later. More. Much more.

    Thing Number One: My training schedule for the coming year is different from my previous training. Most significantly, there's only one 20-mile training walk instead of the two 20-milers I did last summer and rather than only having two weeks between the 20-miler and the marathon, I'll have three weeks. I could just about do a happy dance over thing Number One. Actually, I'm going to step away from the computer for a moment to polka. I'll be right back.

    Thing Number Two: Okay, follow this little sychronistic happening. When I track my training schedule backward from the date of the marathon in October to the half-marathon in July my long distance walk for that weekend is 12 miles, and when I work forward from the April half-marathon to the July half-marathon there are just the right amount of weeks to keep to an exact training schedule. Smooth as glass baby, smoooooth as glass.
So there you go. While D_wn, my Personal Tyrant, rules my universe at the present, in the future I will return to the hills and dells and trails with hoofers pounding the pavement.

By the way, Dana told me today that I needed to blog more regularly or my fanbase would disappear. You wouldn't abandon me. Would you?


Anonymous said...

Dana's right, we do get phatgirl withdrawals when you wait too long. BTW, way to go signing up for all those races!!

Anonymous said...

Atta girl!!! I'm hoping to join you and all the other masses in Portland too. But I haven't gone so far as to think about portable refrigerators or anything. BTW, my $.02 is that I'll read whatever you're writin' about, marathon training related or not. Merry Christmas!!!

Anita said...

And let it be known, I love reading about Natalie!

Anonymous said...

Man, I don't even have a hotel reserved for my half in APRIL! Much less a fridge. (Though I have gotten one for the Feb. half.) Way to go! I'm hoping to be there in Portland. Just gotta figure out a way to train through a Houston summer. Mall walking? I envy you NoCalers sometimes...

Anonymous said...

Your posts are always worth the wait!

jeanne said...

I heart Dana. Instead of being annoyed by you blogging, she's encouraging you! (otoh, maybe she's trying to get rid...nevermind.)

And no, you can't get rid of us. Though we do get the shakes when you don't post regularly.

i am so jealous of your schedule. Very very jealous.